====== IT category localizer parameters ====== ===== Scanned 2013 or later ===== ==== Scan ==== Coil: LifeServices (16 channel receive, 4 channel transmit) seqfil: epi_riken_ptx petable: epi76lin4k Matrix size: 64x64 FOV 19.2 x 19.2 cm2 Slice thickness: 3 mm, no gap Voxel size 3 x 3 x 3 mm3 Number of slices: 27 Slice interleaving: yes Slice orientation: aligned with the inferior surface of the occipital and temporal lobes Volume TR (full k-space): 4.309 s Segments (=shots): 4 Ilts: 1 TSENSE Acceleration: 4 Volume TR after TSENSE: 1.077 s TE: 0.025 s Flip angle: 63.5 deg Volumes per run (full k-space): 150 Volumes per run after TSENSE processing: 600 Run duration: 10 min 46 s Runs per scan: 6 (5 for subject s001) ==== Stimulus ==== phase scrambled gray scale images power spectra equated across images and categories image size: 14 x 14 deg2 central fixation cross (black) image display time: 0.75 s gap between images: 0.25 s one-back task (10% of trials) block design block duration: 12.9 s (corresponds to 12 accelerated volumes) number of blocks per run: * gray (with fixation): 10 * human faces (variable expressions and view angles): 8 * buildings: 8 * human bodies (without head): 8 * cars: 2 * flowers: 2 * fruit and vegetables: 2 * musical instruments: 2 * scrambled: 8 * total: 50 (bodies, cars, flowers and fruit-veg can be pooled to "objects") First and last block always gray, otherwise fully randomized Images within blocks fully randomized Original images were obtained from Seiichirou Yokoo, except for bodies, which are from http://pages.bangor.ac.uk/~pss811/page7/page7.html ===== Scanned 2012 (s005) ===== As 2013 and beyond, except Coil: Nova half helmet (8 chan) + 2 + 2 anterior temporal channels Seqfil: epi_riken_V3 Number of slices: 21 Volume TR (full k-space): 4.284 s Volume TR after TSENSE: 1.071 s Number of runs: 7 Volumes per run (full k-space): 126 Volumes per run after TSENSE processing: 504 Run duration: 9 min Runs per scan: 7 Category "human bodies" was not included; therefore, total number of blocks per run: 42 ===== Scanned 2011 (s019 and s023) ===== As 2013 and beyond, except Coil: Nova visual (4 chan) + 2 + 2 anterior temporal channels seqfil: epi_riken_V3 Number of slices: 21 Volume TR (full k-space): 4.284 s Segments (=shots): 4 Ilts: 2 TSENSE Acceleration: 2 Volume TR after TSENSE: 2.142 s TE: 0.025 s Flip angle: 47 deg Volumes per run (full k-space): 57 Volumes per run after TSENSE processing: 114 Run duration: 4 min 21 s Runs per scan: s019: 10+9 (on two separate days); s023 10+8 number of blocks per run: * gray (with fixation): 3 * human faces (variable expressions and view angles): 4 * buildings: 4 * cars: 1 * flowers: 1 * fruit and vegetables: 1 * musical instruments: 1 * scrambled: 4 * total: 19 Last block always gray, otherwise fully randomized