Table of Contents

MGL 2.0 Beta Working Notes

Functions affected and status

Bug list

  1. Resizing window It is more stable to open a cocoa window once and then keep hiding and showing that window. For now this means that you can't resize the display. The code that I wrote to do that seems to resize the window but not the openGLView.
  2. Screen Saver When the screen goes blank because of energy saver settings the open MGL window dumps to the debugger.

List of functions to be checked with Linux

Every function with os-specific code has been touched in the beta. Generally this has been done to mark where the os-specific code is, or to break-out an os-specific function so that it is better determined what the inputs/outputs of those functions need to be. In general, I think the goal should be to have mgl compile cleanly for all functions on both platforms (if something isn't implemented, it should just print out a message that it is not implemented). I have tried to structure the code so that this will be easy to do.