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mgl:functionreferencetext [2008/11/08 16:18]
mgl:functionreferencetext [2022/08/30 13:40]
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-====== Drawing text ====== 
-===== mglTextSet: Set parameters for drawing text ===== 
-**purpose:​** Set text properties for mglText\\ ​ 
-**usage:** mglTextSet(fontName,<​fontSize>,<​fontColor>,<​fontVFlip>,<​fontHFlip>,<​fontRotation>,<​fontBold>,<​fontItalic>,<​fontUnderline>,<​fontStrikeThrough>​) 
-^ argument ^ value ^ 
-| fontName | '​fontName'​ (defaults to 'Times Roman'​) | 
-| fontSize | font point size (defaults to 36) | 
-| fontColor | [r g b] where r, g and b are values between 0 and 1 (defaults to [1 1 1]) | 
-| fontVFlip | 0 = no vertical flip, 1 = vertical flip (defaults to 0) | 
-| fontHFlip | 0 = no horizontal flip, 1 = horizontal flip (defaults to 0) | 
-| fontRotation | rotation in degrees (defaults to 0) | 
-| fontBold | 0 for normal, 1 for **bold** (defaults to 0) | 
-| fontItalic | 0 for normal, 1 for //italic// (defaults to 0) | 
-| fontUnderline | 0 for normal, 1 for __underline__ (defaults to 0) | 
-| fontStrikethrough | 0 for normal, 1 for strikethrough (defaults to 0) | 
-  mglOpen; 
-  mglVisualAngleCoordinates(57,​[16 12]); 
-  mglTextSet('​Helvetica',​32,​[0 0.5 1 1],​0,​0,​0,​0,​0,​0,​0);​ 
-  mglTextDraw('​Hello There',​[0 0]); 
-  mglFlush; 
-===== mglText: Create a texture from a string ===== 
-**purpose:​** Creates a texture from a string.\\ **usage:** tex = mglText('​string'​) 
-^ argument ^ value ^ 
-| string | The string you want to draw | 
-  mglOpen; 
-  mglVisualAngleCoordinates(57,​[16 12]); 
-  mglTextSet('​Helvetica',​32,​[0 0.5 1 1],​0,​0,​0,​0,​0,​0,​0);​ 
-  thisText = mglText('​hello'​) 
-  mglBltTexture(thisText,​[0 0],'​left','​top'​);​ 
-  mglFlush; 
-Normally you will only set one output argument which is a texture usable by mglBltTexture. But if you have two output arguments 
-  [tex texMatrix] = mglText('​hello'​);​ 
-texMatrix will contain a 2D matlab array that has a rendering of the text (i.e. it will have values from 0-255 that represent the string). You can modify this matrix as you want and then use mglCreateTexture to create it into a texture that can be displayed by mglBltTexture 
-===== mglTextDraw:​ Draws text to screen (simple but slow) ===== 
-**purpose:​** wrapper around mglText and mglBltTexture to draw some text on the screen. If you need to draw text more quickly, you will have to pre-make the text textures with mglText and then use mglBltTexture when you want it. Otherwise, for non time-critical things this functions should be used.\\ **usage:** mglTextDraw(str,​pos,<​hAlignment>,<​vAlignment>​) 
-^ argument ^ value ^ 
-| str | desired string | 
-| pos | [x y] position on screen | 
-| hAlignment | -1 = left, 0 = center, 1 = right (defaults to center) | 
-| vAlignment | -1 = top, 0 = center, 1 = bottom (defaults to center) | 
-  mglOpen; 
-  mglVisualAngleCoordinates(57,​[16 12]); 
-  mglTextSet('​Helvetica',​32,​[0 0.5 1 1],​0,​0,​0,​0,​0,​0,​0);​ 
-  mglTextDraw('​Hello There',​[0 0]); 
-  mglFlush; 
-===== mglStrokeText:​ Fast no-frills line-based text drawing (does not use texture memory) ===== 
-**purpose:​** Draws a stroked fixed-width character or string on MGL display. Default width is 1, default height 1.8 (in current screen coordinates)\\ **usage:** [x,​y]=mglStrokeText( string, x, y, scalex, scaley, linewidth, color, rotation ); 
-^ argument ^ value ^ 
-| string | text string. Unsupported characters are printed as # | 
-| x,y | center coordinates of first character (current screen coordinates) | 
-| scalex | scale factor in x dimension (relative to character) (current screen coordinates). Note that text can be mirrored by setting this factor to a negative value. | 
-| scaley | scale factor in y dimension (relative to character) (current screen coordinates). Optional, defaults to scalex. | 
-| linewidth | width of line used to draw text. Default 1. | 
-| color | text color. Default [1 1 1] | 
-| rotation | in radians. Default 0. | 
-| OUTPUT x,y | position after last letter (for subsequent calls) [optional] | 
-  mglOpen; 
-  mglVisualAngleCoordinates(57,​[16 12]); 
-  mglStrokeText('​Hello',​0,​0);​ 
-  mglFlush; 