Please use our Zenodo based DOI for citing use of mgl in manuscripts:
The Zenodo site has a tool for how to format for different journals, but here is an example:
Gardner, JL, Merriam, EP, Schluppeck, D, Besle, J, & Heeger, DJ (2018). mrTools: Analysis and visualization package for functional magnetic resonance imaging data (Version 4.7). Zenodo.
Below is a partial list of publications that have used mrTools. As we did not use the Zenodo DOI until recently we did not explicitly track usage of mrTools and many of even our own papers do not mention its use. Some authors have cited the mrTools wiki documentation in Methods. This list was last updated in August, 2020. Please contact us if you have an update to this publication list.
Aghajari, S., Vinke, L., Ling, S. (2020). Population spatial frequency tuning in human early visual cortex Journal of Neurophysiology 123(2), 773-785.
Aquino, K., Sokoliuk, R., Pakenham, D., Sanchez‐Panchuelo, R., Hanslmayr, S., Mayhew, S., Mullinger, K., Francis, S. (2018). Addressing challenges of high spatial resolution UHF fMRI for group analysis of higher‐order cognitive tasks: An inter‐sensory task directing attention between visual and somatosensory domains Human Brain Mapping 40(4), 1298-1316.
Barbot, A., Das, A., Melnick, M., Cavanaugh, M., Merriam, E., Heeger, D., Huxlin, K. (2020). Changes in perilesional V1 underlie training-induced recovery in cortically-blind patients bioRxiv
Berezutskaya, J., Freudenburg, Z., Güçlü, U., Gerven, M., Ramsey, N. (2017). Neural tuning to low-level features of speech throughout the perisylvian cortex. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 37(33), 7906-7920.
Besle, J., Sánchez-Panchuelo, R., Bowtell, R., Francis, S., Schluppeck, D. (2013). Event-related fMRI at 7T reveals overlapping cortical representations for adjacent fingertips in S1 of individual subjects. Human brain mapping 35(5), 2027-43.
Besle, J., Sánchez-Panchuelo, R., Bowtell, R., Francis, S., Schluppeck, D. (2013). Single-subject fMRI mapping at 7 T of the representation of fingertips in S1: a comparison of event-related and phase-encoding designs Journal of Neurophysiology 109(9), 2293-2305.
Birman, D., Gardner, J. (2019). A flexible readout mechanism of human sensory representations. Nature communications 10(1), 3500.
Birman, D., Gardner, J. (2018). A quantitative framework for motion visibility in human cortex. Journal of neurophysiology 120(4), 1824 1839.
Connolly, J., Kentridge, R., Cavina-Pratesi, C. (2015). Coding of attention across the human intraparietal sulcus. Experimental brain research 234(3), 917-30.
Connolly, J., Vuong, Q., Thiele, A. (2013). Gaze-dependent topography in human posterior parietal cortex. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) 25(6), 1519-26.
Dobs, K., Schultz, J., Bülthoff, I., Gardner, J. (2018). Task-dependent enhancement of facial expression and identity representations in human cortex. NeuroImage 172(), 689 702.
Freeman, J., Brouwer, G., Heeger, D., Merriam, E. (2011). Orientation decoding depends on maps, not columns. Journal of Neuroscience 31(13), 4792 4804.
Freeman, J., Heeger, D., Merriam, E. (2013). Coarse-Scale Biases for Spirals and Orientation in Human Visual Cortex The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 33(50), 19695 19703.
Gaglianese, A., Vansteensel, M., Harvey, B., Dumoulin, S., Petridou, N., Ramsey, N. (2017). Correspondence between fMRI and electrophysiology during visual motion processing in human MT+ NeuroImage 155(), 480-489.
Gaglianese, A., Costagli, M., Bernardi, G., Ricciardi, E., Pietrini, P. (2012). Evidence of a direct influence between the thalamus and hMT+ independent of V1 in the human brain as measured by fMRI. NeuroImage 60(2), 1440-7.
Gaglianese, A., Costagli, M., Ueno, K., Ricciardi, E., Bernardi, G., Pietrini, P., Cheng, K. (2014). The direct, not V1-mediated, functional influence between the thalamus and middle temporal complex in the human brain is modulated by the speed of visual motion. Neuroscience 284(), 833-44.
Gardner, J., Merriam, E., Movshon, J., Heeger, D. (2008). Maps of visual space in human occipital cortex are retinotopic, not spatiotopic. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 28(15), 3988 3999.
Hara, Y., Pestilli, F., Gardner, J. (2014). Differing effects of attention in single-units and populations are well predicted by heterogeneous tuning and the normalization model of attention. Frontiers in computational neuroscience 8(), 12.
Hara, Y., Gardner, J. (2014). Encoding of graded changes in spatial specificity of prior cues in human visual cortex Journal of Neurophysiology 112(11), 2834-2849.
Lennartsson, F., Nilsson, M., Flodmark, O., Jacobson, L., Larsson, J. (2018). Injuries to the Immature Optic Radiation Show Correlated Thinning of the Macular Ganglion Cell Layer Frontiers in Neurology 9(), 321.
Liu, T., Hospadaruk, L., Zhu, D., Gardner, J. (2011). Feature-specific attentional priority signals in human cortex. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 31(12), 4484 4495.
Liu, T., Cable, D., Gardner, J. (2017). Inverted encoding models of human population response conflate noise and neural tuning width. The Journal of Neuroscience 38(2), 398-408.
Merriam, E., Gardner, J., Movshon, J., Heeger, D. (2013). Modulation of visual responses by gaze direction in human visual cortex. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 33(24), 9879 9889.
Olman, C., Harel, N., Feinberg, D., He, S., Zhang, P., Ugurbil, K., Yacoub, E. (2012). Layer-specific fMRI reflects different neuronal computations at different depths in human V1. PloS one 7(3), e32536.
O’Neill, G., Sengupta, A., Asghar, M., Barratt, E., Besle, J., Schluppeck, D., Francis, S., Panchuelo, R. (2020). A probabilistic atlas of finger dominance in the primary somatosensory cortex NeuroImage 217(), 116880.
Panchuelo, R., Besle, J., Schluppeck, D., Humberstone, M., Francis, S. (2018). Somatotopy in the Human Somatosensory System Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12(), 235.
Pestilli, F., Carrasco, M., Heeger, D., Gardner, J. (2011). Attentional enhancement via selection and pooling of early sensory responses in human visual cortex. Neuron 72(5), 832 846.
Roth, Z., Heeger, D., Merriam, E. (2018). Stimulus vignetting and orientation selectivity in human visual cortex eLife 7(), e37241.
Sanchez-Panchuelo, R., Francis, S., Bowtell, R., Schluppeck, D. (2010). Mapping Human Somatosensory Cortex in Individual Subjects With 7T Functional MRI Journal of Neurophysiology 103(5), 2544-2556.
Sanchez-Panchuelo, R., Besle, J., Beckett, A., Bowtell, R., Schluppeck, D., Francis, S. (2012). Within-digit functional parcellation of Brodmann areas of the human primary somatosensory cortex using functional magnetic resonance imaging at 7 tesla. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 32(45), 15815 15822.
Sánchez-Panchuelo, R., Besle, J., Mougin, O., Gowland, P., Bowtell, R., Schluppeck, D., Francis, S. (2013). Regional structural differences across functionally parcellated Brodmann areas of human primary somatosensory cortex. NeuroImage 93 Pt 2(), 221-30.
Sun, P., Gardner, J., Costagli, M., Ueno, K., Waggoner, R., Tanaka, K., Cheng, K. (2013). Demonstration of Tuning to Stimulus Orientation in the Human Visual Cortex: A High-Resolution fMRI Study with a Novel Continuous and Periodic Stimulation Paradigm Cerebral Cortex 23(7), 1618-1629.
Vintch, B., Gardner, J. (2014). Cortical correlates of human motion perception biases. Journal of Neuroscience 34(7), 2592 2604.
Wang, H., Merriam, E., Freeman, J., Heeger, D. (2014). Motion Direction Biases and Decoding in Human Visual Cortex The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 34(37), 12601 12615.
Wardle, S., Ritchie, J., Seymour, K., Carlson, T. (2016). Edge-related activity is not necessary to explain orientation decoding in human visual cortex. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 37(5), 1187-1196.