====== Diffusion model ====== [[:tutorials:sdt|Signal Detection Theory]] can be used to get bias-free measures of subject's sensitivity, predict performance on a two alternative forced choice and has been quite useful both in psychophysics and in cognitive neuroscience where it is often used to link physiology to behavior. But, one thing it completely sweeps under the carpet is time. There is no notion of how the decision process evolves over time and so therefore it has nothing to say about reaction times. So, diffusion models. There are many variations of diffusion models, but the basic flavor is to think of a decision variable which accumulates evidence for a choice (generically, let's call that "A") against another choice ("B"). In the Newsome et al., experiments these would be a choice for, say, leftwards vs rightwards motion. The decision variable gets momentary evidence that is corrupted by noise (can be anything, but typically gaussian) which is integrated across time. This causes the decision variable to move randomly (brownian motion) until it hits (gets absorbed by) one of the decision criterion (bounds). Whichever bound it hits first is the decision that wins. When it hits gives you the reaction time. You should have the following picture in your head of a single trial:
d = 0;
A = 10;
% check the last value of d (we use matlab's end keyword
% to get the last value in the d array - when we start this
% will just be the first value, but on each iteration of the
% loop this will increment)
while abs(d(end)) < A
% put a new value at the end of the array for d which is
% the last value of d plus a pull from the random distribution
d(end+1) = d(end) + random('norm',0.1,1);
Now, go ahead and plot it.
++++cheat sheet|
% let's also set the axis so that we can see the bounds
axis([0 length(d) -A-2 A+2]);
% and let's draw the bounds
hold on
plot([0 length(d)],[A A],'k-');
plot([0 length(d)],[-A -A],'k-');
% and label the graph
ylabel('Decision variable');
++++Compare|You should get something like this
% set up the simulation variables
A = 10;
n = 100;
nCorrect = 0;
nError = 0;
correctRT = [];
errorRT = [];
% loop over trials
for i = 1:n
d = 0;
% simulate each trial
while abs(d(end)) < A
% put a new value at the end of the array for d the last value
% of d plus a pull from the random distribution
d(end+1) = d(end) + random('norm',0.1,1);
% plot the trial
% if it was correct
if d(end)>A
% then keep score
nCorrect = nCorrect+1;
correctRT(end+1) = length(d);
nError = nError + 1;
errorRT(end+1) = length(d);
++++Compare|You should get something like this
And, let's look at the reaction time distribution (this might be more meaningful for the correct trials in which you have enough trials to be able to see what is going on.
++hint 2|\\
Try using the function hist++
++++cheat sheet 2|
% clear the figure
% Let's plot 20 bins
What does the distribution look like? Is it gaussian? Is it skewed? Why does it have the shape that it does?
If you have that all working, then try the same simulation, but don't give any sensory evidence. Decisions are just based on chance fluctuations. You should expect percent correct to equal percent errors. Try it.
++hint 3|\\
Modify the code from above to pull from a random distribution where the mean is 0.++
++++cheat sheet 3|
% clear the figure, so we can start over
clf;hold on;
% set up the simulation variables
A = 10;
n = 100;
nCorrect = 0;
nError = 0;
correctRT = [];
errorRT = [];
% loop over trials
for i = 1:n
d = 0;
% simulate each trial
while abs(d(end)) < A
% put a new value at the end of the array for d the last value
% of d plus a pull from the random distribution
d(end+1) = d(end) + random('norm',0,1);
% plot the trial
% if it was correct
if d(end)>A
% then keep score
nCorrect = nCorrect+1;
correctRT(end+1) = length(d);
nError = nError + 1;
errorRT(end+1) = length(d);
% draw the bounds
a = axis;
plot([a(1) a(2)],[A A],'k-');
plot([a(1) a(2)],[-A -A],'k-');
++++Compare|You should get something like this
The thing to note about this, is that even thought the gaussian generating process had 0 mean - you still ended up on each trial meandering to one of the bounds. Random walks don't just jitter around the starting place and never go anywhere - by integration of random values they end up, by chance, going somewhere.
Try playing around with the model in different ways - what does changing the height of the bounds do? Or changing the mean? Or, the standard deviation. What about using a different distribution, not gaussian (why might you want to do that?). What about the starting point of the process?
Ok, so you should now have a rough idea of how changing different parameters of the model can affect the accuracy and reaction times. So, er, Pop quiz, what parameters can you change to affect the accuracy and reaction time?
++Answer 1|
The mean of the random process will cause you to accumulate larger increments of evidence for the correct decision. It will cause you to more often reach the correct upper bound "A" and will make you do that faster. You could also change the standard deviation of the gaussian process. If it had 0 standard deviation, then there would be no noise at all and you would always go predictably in a straight line up to the bound. You could also make the bounds farther away from the starting point. This will make the process have to traverse farther to get to the decision, making it less likely that you will get false alarms at the other boundary. But, this comes at a cost - it will make the decisions take a longer time to get to the bound. This is your classic speed-accuracy trade-off. If you haven't tried to play with these ideas yet with the simulation, then do so now!++
====== Fit behavioral data ======
Ok, so that's all great, but how do you fit this beast to behavioral data? Well, one answer is to do just what you have been doing - simulate many variations of the parameters until you get something that matches by some fit criteria (usually maximizes the likelihood of your data). A non-linear search algorithm can adjust the parameters for you to search the space of parameters more efficiently and you just let it go at it and come back some time later to see what it gets. While this may seem inefficient, there are times when you have to do this. In particular, if you make the model more complicated (various versions have been proposed in which you add randomness not just do the moment to moment evidence, but also to the starting point for instance) or if you want to fit the whole shape of your reaction time distributions you may wish to do a fit like this.
But, if you just want to fit your percent correct and mean reaction times. There are closed-form solutions that give you equations for how to do this.
A = 1;
mu = 0:0.1:10;
What does it look like? Where does it start and where does it end? Does the shape make sense?
++Answer|When mu is 0, that means there is no evidence, just noise, so you should get chance performance = 0.5. It should rise up to 1 as you get more and more evidence (i.e. make mu bigger).++
But, wait a second. What happened to the standard deviation? You know from above that it matters. But, it's not in the equation, why? Well, it actually should be. The full equation should read:
A = 1;
mu = 0:0.1:10;
What do you get for that? Does the shape of it make sense? What happens as mu gets larger and larger?
++Answer|At mu=0, there is no evidence, so you get the longest reaction times (it takes a long time on average) for the process to meander to one of the bounds. As mu gets larger and larger, there is more sensory evidence and you reach the bounds quicker++
One thing to note here. This is the **//average//** reaction time. Remember that the distributions from above look skewed? This does not tell you anything about the skew of the distribution, just the central tendency. The model actually predicts a particular skewed shape of the reaction time distribution and that may be important. It is not fit, when you use the above equation.
Another thing. What are the units here? We want them to be in milliseconds, for example. If the monkey takes, say, 800ms to make the decision, then this equation needs to be fit such that you get a value of 800. Right? So, change A and see what happens. Can you get a value of 800 out of the equation?
++Hint|Just use the code from above, and try different values of A++
A = 100;
mu = 0:0.1:10;
You see that you get some value of mu that will give you 800 ms? You can now imagine playing around with values of mu and A to fit your reaction time data. But, what's the longest reaction time you should expect for some A and mu? Is it actually plotted on the graph?
++Answer|No. The computation A/mu results in a NaN when mu is 0, so it is not showing up on the graph++
But, we may want to know what to expect for a reaction time when mu is 0 and there is no sensory evidence (this is a very important case, right? Remember how choice probabilities were calculated in the Newsome experiment?) So, to do that you need to take limits:
% parameters
k = 0.426;
A = 22.811;
tau = 417;
C = 0:0.01:0.5;
% percent correct
p = 1./(1+exp(-2*k*C*A));
rt = (A./(k*C)).*tanh(k*C*A) + tau;
% get the reaction time for when coherence = 0
rt(1) = A^2 + tau;
% now plot as a function of coherence
xlabel('Motion coherence');
ylabel('Percent correct');
xlabel('Motion coherence');
ylabel('RT (msec)');
It is convenient to plot on the same graph, the performance for the opposite motion direction as well (typically because we are studying a neuron and we want to know about choices made in the preferred direction vs the anti-preferred direction). When we do this, by convention, we call negative motion coherence more evidence for motion in the anti-preferred direction and we plot as a function of choices to the preferred direction. Try and plot the full curve this way.
++hint|Use the same p as before, but take 1-p since that will give you the percent choice in the preferred direction. The RT is the same as above. Add each of these, plotting against -C, to the graph you just made++
subplot(1,2,1);hold on
subplot(1,2,2);hold on
++++compare|You should get something the looks like the following:
% clear figure
clf;hold on
% set up the simulation variables
k = 0.426;
A = 22.811;
tau = 417;
C = 0.05;
n = 100;
nCorrect = 0;
nError = 0;
correctRT = [];
errorRT = [];
% loop over trials
for i = 1:n
d = 0;
% simulate each trial
while abs(d(end)) < A
% put a new value at the end of the array for d the last value
% of d plus a pull from the random distribution
d(end+1) = d(end) + random('norm',k*C,1);
% plot the trial
% if it was correct
if d(end)>A
% then keep score
nCorrect = nCorrect+1;
correctRT(end+1) = length(d);
nError = nError + 1;
errorRT(end+1) = length(d);
% now see if the values match our expectations
What does this imply about the underlying decision process? Well, let's see what on average the process looks like for. To do this, simulate the decision process from above, but this time keep a copy of each actual decision process (just for correct trials), so that we can average and look at it afterwords. That means instead of one array d, we should make a matrix d with rows equal to trials of the decision process and columns equal to time points. Note this is a bit tricky, since each decision process can last a different amount of time. In the end, we will put the value of the bound into each decision process for the time that it terminates to the end of the simulation time (since the assumption is that the process is just absorbed into the bound). This all can be done with a few modifications of the code from above. If you know what to do, go ahead and do that.
% set up the simulation variables
k = 0.426;
A = 22.811;
tau = 417;
C = 0.05;
n = 100;
nCorrect = 0;
nError = 0;
correctRT = [];
errorRT = [];
correctTrials = [];
incorrectTrials = [];
% initialize d to something reasonably sized (it will expand as needed)
d = nan(n,2000);
% loop over trials
for i = 1:n
% display i just so that we know things are working
% initialize decision variable
d(i,1) = 0;t = 1;
% simulate each trial
while abs(d(i,t)) < A
% put a new value at the end of the array for d the last value
% of d plus a pull from the random distribution
d(i,t+1) = d(i,t) + random('norm',k*C,1);
t = t + 1;
% keep all reaction times
rt(i) = t;
% if it was correct
if d(i,t)>A
% then keep score
nCorrect = nCorrect+1;
correctRT(end+1) = t;
% keep track of which trials are correct
correctTrials(end+1) = i;
% same for incorrect
nError = nError + 1;
errorRT(end+1) = t;
incorrectTrials(end+1) = i;
% now fill in all the values past the end of decision time
for i = 1:n
if any(correctTrials==i)
d(i,rt(i)+1:end) = A;
d(i,rt(i)+1:end) = -A;
% ok, now we have a full matrix with simulation runs. Take the average over correct trials
meanCorrect = mean(d(correctTrials,:));
% plot it
xlabel('Time (ms)');
ylabel('Decision Variable');
hold on
++++compare|Should look something like the following