====== Signal detection simulation ======= We're going to simulate a signal detection experiment and an "ideal observer" (an observer who behaves exactly according to signal detection theory). This is always a useful thing to do when trying to understand a decision model, experimental method or an analysis tool. You get to control and play around with the simulation to see what effect it has on the analysis that comes out. Signal detection is a general framework in which an observer tries to detect the presence or absence of a signal. What's a signal? Anything, really. Signal might be to detect a faint light (can you see whether a candle is lit in a window 1 mile away?). It could be to detect whether you see a friend's face within a crowd. Sometimes these experiments are called "Yes / No" experiments in that the observer has to say either "Yes" I saw it or "No" I did not. Sometimes there is a signal there (the candle was lit, your friend was in the crowd) and these are called signal present trials. Sometimes there is no signal there and those are called signal absent trials. Subjects are right if the correctly detect a signal when it is present (hit) **or** when the correctly say the signal absent (correct reject). Similarly, subjects can make two kinds of mistakes - say that the signal was there when it was actually absent (false-alarm) or say that it was not there when it actually was (miss). These kinds of errors have completely unhelpful names in statistics (type 1 or alpha for false-alarm and type 2 or beta for miss), so its more helpful to think about them with these intuitive names! A key idea that motivates the theory of signal detection is that you want to determine sensitivity (how good are subjects at detecting that faint candle light), but that there is an unaccounted for cognitive factor - what criteria the subject uses. A subject can have a very conservative criteria (only say the light is a candle if you are very sure). This will lower false-alarm rates, but then you may make more misses. A subject alternatively can change their criteria so that they are less prone to missing, but then they will make more false-alarms. Signal detection theory allows you to compute sensitivity and criteria separately from subject responses (i.e. the hit and false-alarm rates) so that you can determine how sensitive a subject is regardless of what arbitrary criteria they used. For more background, check-out David Heeger's [[http://www.cns.nyu.edu/~david/handouts/sdt/sdt.html|signal detection theory handouts]]. We will simulate a signal-detection experiment. On each trial, our observer sees an element sampled from either the signal present gaussian distribution or the signal absent distribution, which is also gaussian with the same standard deviation. The observer chooses to say "signal present" when the signal they see on that trial is above criterion and "signal absent" otherwise. The picture you should have in your head is this:
% cycle over every trial
for i = 1:length(signalPresentAbsent)
% if signal present trial
if signalPresentAbsent(i) == 1
% then pull a random draw from the signal distribution with mean = 1 and std = 1
signal(i) = random('norm',1,1);
% otherwise it is a noise trial so pull a random draw from the noise distribution with mean = 0 and std = 1
signal(i) = random('norm',0,1);
++++Solution 2|
% set all signal trials by finding where they are and then making them draw
% from the gaussian distribution with mean 1 and std 1 and make that the right size
signal(find(signalPresentAbsent==1)) = random('norm',1,1,1,sum(signalPresentAbsent));
% same goes for noise trials, but now from gaussian with mean 0 and std 1
signal(find(signalPresentAbsent==0)) = random('norm',0,1,1,sum(signalPresentAbsent==0));
Let's take a look at the distribution of signal strengths we have created. You can do this by using the function hist
It should look something like the following:
Using that and the hist command you should be able to show the signal and absent distributions separately. Confirm visually that they have different means (signal present should be 1 and signal absent should be 0).
++++Solution 1|
% show signal present distribution
% show signal absent distribution
Now confirm numerically that the means and standard deviations are what they should be:\\
++Hint 2|\\
Use matlab functions mean and std to compute mean and standard deviation on only the signal present or only the signal absent trials
++++Solution 2|
% display mean of signal present distribution (should be near 1)
% display std of signal present distribution (should be near 1)
% mean and standard deviation for signal absent distribution should be 0 and 1 respectively
Ok, we're good to go. We have created the stimulus that our ideal observer will get to see (signal array) and we know which of the trials come from the signal and which from the absent distributions (signalPresentAbsent).
====== Make ideal observer responses =======
Now we are going to simulate an //ideal observer// which will behave just as signal detection says. They will choose signal present (response=1) when the signal they get to see (signal array from above) is greater than their internal criterion and they will choose signal absent (response=0) when the signal is below their internal criterion.
Let's start by making the criterion right in between the signal present and absent distributions that we created above. That is, let's set criterion=0.5 and make an array of responses. Try it yourself:\\
++Solution 1|\\
response = signal>0.5++
====== Calculate hits, misses, correct-rejects and false-alarms =======
Ok, so now we have our experiment (signalPresentAbsent) a simulation of the signal it generates in the observer (signal) and the ideal observers responses (response).
From these you should be able to calculate hits, misses, correct rejects and false alarms.
++Hint 1|Try using the techniques from above to select out just the responses where signal was present or signal absent. Then use sum to compute the number of correct responses++
++++Solution 1|
% get total number of present trials
nPresent = sum(signalPresentAbsent==1);
% compute hits as all the responses to trials in which signal was present (signalPresentAbsent==1) in which the response was present (i.e. == 1). Divide by number of present trials.
hits = sum(response(signalPresentAbsent==1)==1)/nPresent
% misses are the same except when the responses are 0 (absent even though signal was present)
misses = sum(response(signalPresentAbsent==1)==0)/nPresent
% same idea for correctRejects and falseAlarms
nAbsent = sum(signalPresentAbsent==1);
correctRejects = sum(response(signalPresentAbsent==0)==0)/nAbsent
falseAlarms = sum(response(signalPresentAbsent==0)==1)/nAbsent
Do the proportions of hits, misses, false alarms and correct rejects make sense to you?
====== Calculate d' =======
Now let's calculate d'. But, first a pop quiz: what should d' be given how we made the signal and noise distributions?
++++Answer 1|\\
(mean of signal - mean of noise)/ standard deviation = (1-0)/1 = 1\\
The picture you should have is:
zHits = icdf('norm',hits,0,1)
zFalseAlarms = icdf('norm',falseAlarms,0,1)
dPrime = zHits-zFalseAlarms
How close is the dPrime you got to the expected value? Why is it different?
====== Different criterion ======
Now, simulate an observer that does not want to miss as much and see if you get a similar d' from their data.
++++Cheat sheet|
% simulate observer
response = signal>0.4;
% get hits and falseAlarms
hits = sum(response(signalPresentAbsent==1)==1)/nPresent
falseAlarms = sum(response(signalPresentAbsent==0)==1)/nAbsent
% compute z-scores
zHits = icdf('norm',hits,0,1)
zFalseAlarms = icdf('norm',falseAlarms,0,1)
% compute d-prime
dPrime = zHits-zFalseAlarms
You can try this for all sorts of criterion, is the d-prime measurement sensitive in any systematic way to the criterion?
====== ROC calculation =======
Now, let's make an ROC curve. This assumes that we have some examples of samples from the signal and noise distributions. In the Newsome experiments these are the values of the spike counts for the neurons preferred direction (signal) and the neurons anti-preferred direction (noise, what they called the anti-neuron). Will just do it by pulling actual values from a signal distribution that is gaussian with mean of 1 and standard deviation of 1, just like we did above. For the noise, let's do mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1. Make two arrays of length n=1000, one for signal and noise using the techniques from above:
++Cheat sheet|\\
signal = random('norm',1,1,1,n);
noise = random('norm',0,1,1,n);
Check that the procedure worked by computing the means and standard deviations of signal and noise and making sure that they are what you expected (always good to double check everything when programming to make sure that things are working out the way you expected).
Ok, how do we compute the ROC curve? What's on those two axes. Remember?
++++Cheat sheet|
hits = [];falseAlarms=[];
nSignal = length(signal);nNoise = length(noise);
for criterion = 10:-0.1:-10
hits(end+1) = sum(signal>criterion)/nSignal;
falseAlarms(end+1) = sum(noise>criterion)/nNoise;
Ok, now plot it and you should get something like the following:
% make a new experiment with n=1000 trials
n = 1000;
% choose which trials have signal and which do not
signalPresentAbsent = round(rand(1,1000));
% reset your signal
signal = [];
% and put signal or noise appropriately into the signal
signal(find(signalPresentAbsent==1)) = random('norm',1,1,1,sum(signalPresentAbsent));
% same goes for noise trials, but now from gaussian with mean 0 and std 1
signal(find(signalPresentAbsent==0)) = random('norm',0,1,1,sum(signalPresentAbsent==0));
% now compute the response at different thresholds
response = 1+(signal>0)+(signal>0.333)+(signal>0.666)+(signal>1)
Ok, now we have the ratings of our ideal observer, how do we compute the ROC? Well, the trick is to take each rating as a different setting of the subject's criterion. Rating of 5 or better is a criterion that has very few false-alarms. Rating of 4 or better has more false-alarms and so on. In other words, you can compute your hits and false-alarm rates as a function of what the rating was. Try it out.
++++cheat sheet|
% compute number of present and absent trials
nPresent = sum(signalPresentAbsent==1);
nAbsent = sum(signalPresentAbsent==0);
% now compute hits and false alarms for rating 5
hits(1) = sum(response(signalPresentAbsent==1)==5)/nPresent;
falseAlarms(1) = sum(response(signalPresentAbsent==0)==5)/nAbsent;
% now compute hits and false alarms for rating 4
hits(2) = sum(response(signalPresentAbsent==1)>=4)/nPresent;
falseAlarms(2) = sum(response(signalPresentAbsent==0)>=4)/nAbsent;
% and so on...
hits(3) = sum(response(signalPresentAbsent==1)>=3)/nPresent;
falseAlarms(3) = sum(response(signalPresentAbsent==0)>=3)/nAbsent;
hits(4) = sum(response(signalPresentAbsent==1)>=2)/nPresent;
falseAlarms(4) = sum(response(signalPresentAbsent==0)>=2)/nAbsent;
Look at your hits and false alarms. Do they make sense? As you go to lower and lower ratings, you should get higher numbers of hits, but also higher number of false-alarms.
Now just plot hits vs false-alarms and, voila, an ROC curve.
++++cheat sheet|
% plot - but also make up the points (0,0) and (1,1) to make the curve go across the whole graph
plot([0 falseAlarms 1],[0 hits 1],'ko-');
====== Challenges ======
Try running a simulation in which the standard deviation of signal and noise are not the same. What kind of ROC do you get from that? Is the standard calculation for d' still meaningful? What about the area under the ROC?