purpose: Sets view transformation to correspond to visual angles (in degrees) given size and distance of display. Display must be open and have valid width and height (defined in MGL variable)
usage: mglVisualAngleCoordinates(physicalDistance,physicalSize);
argument | value |
physicalDistance | [distance] in cm |
physicalSize | [width height] in cm |
mglOpen mglVisualAngleCoordinates(57,[16 12]);
purpose: Set coordinate frame so that it is in pixels with 0,0 in the top left hand corrner
usage: mglScreenCoordinates()
purpose: applies view transformations
usage: mglTransform(whichMatrix, whichTransform, [whichParameters])
argument | value |
whichTransform | 'glRotate', 'glTranslate', 'glScale','glMultMatrix', 'glFrustum', 'glOrtho','glLoadMatrix', 'glLoadIdentity', 'glPushMatrix','glPopMatrix', 'glDepthRange', or 'glViewport' |
whichParameters | function-specific; see OpenGL documentation |
You can also specifiy one of GL_MODELVIEW, GL_PROJECTION, or GL_TEXTURE and a return variable current matrix values. If two outputs are specified, the result of the computation will be returned.
This function is usually not called directly, but called by mglVisualAngleCoordinates or mglScreenCoordinates to set the transforms
purpose: flips coordinate frame horizontally, useful for when the display is viewed through a mirror
usage: mglHFlip()
mglOpen mglVisualAngleCoordinates(57,[16 12]); mglHFlip mglTextSet('Helvetica',32,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); mglTextDraw('Mirror reversed',[0 0]); mglFlush;
purpose: flips coordinate frame vertically
usage: mglVFlip
mglOpen mglVisualAngleCoordinates(57,[16 12]); mglVFlip mglTextSet('Helvetica',32,[1 1 1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0); mglTextDraw('Vertically flipped',[0 0]); mglFlush;