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Main screen functions

mglOpen: Opens the screen

usage: mglOpen(whichScreen, <screenWidth>, <screenHeight>, <frameRate>, <bitDepth>)
purpose: Opens an openGL window

argument value
whichScreen 0=Window, 1=primary screen, 2=secondary screen, etc
<screenWidth> [width] in pixels
<screenHeight> [height] in pixels
<frameRate> [frameRate] in hertz
<bitDepth> [bitDepth] this is usually 32 bits

Open last monitor in list with current window settings


Open with resolution 800×600 60Hz 32bit fullscreen


Open in a window


Note that mglOpen hides the mouse cursor as a default. If you want to show the mouse cursor, you should call mglDisplayCursor after opening the screen.

mglFlush: Flips front and back buffer

purpose: swap front and back buffer (waits for one frame tick)
usage: mglFlush
N.B. mglFlush has to be called after each operation that involves drawing or erasing from the currently open window

mglClose: Closes the screen

purpose: close OpenGL screen
usage: mglClose

Other screen functions

mglResolution: Get and set display resolution

availability: mgl 2.0
usage: mglResolution(<whichScreen>, <screenWidth>, <screenHeight>, <frameRate>, <bitDepth>)
purpose: Gets or sets the resolution of a display usage: To get the resolution of the default display:


To get the resolution of display 1:


To set the resolution of display 2 to 1440×900:


mglSwitchDisplay: Switch between multiple monitors

usage: mglSwitchDisplay(<displayID>)
purpose: If you are using multiple monitors to display stimuli (like for a dichoptic presentation), you can open up multiple displays using this function.

argument value
<displayID> which display to switch to

You can use this to open up two separate screens and control them independently. For example, say you have two monitors 1 and 2. You open the first in the usual way:


Then you switch monitors so that you can open up the other one


Now if you want draw to the first display, you can do


Similarly, to draw to the second display


You can check the status of all open displays with:


If you want to close all displays at once, you can do:


mglMoveWindow: Moves windows created by mglOpen(0)

usage: mglMoveWindow(leftPos,topPos)
purpose: Moves a window created by mglOpen(0)

argument value
leftPos Left position of where the window will be moved to
topPos Top position of where the window will be moved to

mglDescribeDisplays: Get information about your monitor and computer system

usage: [displayInfo computerInfo] = mglDescribeDisplays()
purpose: Gets information about your displays (as an array of structs with values for each monitor). As well as a single struct with info about your computer.

mglFrameGrab: Frame grab to a matlab matrix

usage: mglFrameGrab(<frameRect>)
purpose: Does a frame grab of the current mgl screen and returns it as a matrix of dimensions widthxheightx3

argument value
frameRect Optional argument that is a 1×4 array specifying a rectangular part of the frame to grab in the format [x y width height]
mglClearScreen([0 0 0]);
global MGL;
mglPolygon([0 0 MGL.screenWidth MGL.screenWidth],[MGL.screenHeight/3 MGL.screenHeight*2/3 MGL.screenHeight*2/3 MGL.screenHeight/3],0);
 mglTextSet('Helvetica',32,[1 1 1]);
mglTextDraw('Frame Grab',[MGL.screenWidth/2 MGL.screenHeight/2]);
frame = mglFrameGrab;