
Negative ROIs

loc1 loc2 loc3 loc4
V1 loc1_rV1_NEG( ) loc2_lV1_NEG( ) loc3_lV1_NEG( ) loc4_rV1_NEG( )
split up
V2 loc1_rV2v_NEG( ) loc2_lV2v_NEG( ) loc3_lV2d_NEG( ) loc4_rV2d_NEG( )
V3 loc3_lV3d_NEG( )
V3A loc3_lV3AB_NEG( )
all loc1_negs(21) loc2_negs(40) loc3_negs(54) loc4_negs(43)

each roi

right side

loc1_rhV4(9): very nice curve. single gamma.

loc1_rV1(27): two patches, W shaped. fits don't work.

loc1_rV3v(27): nice tiering, double gamma.

(rV2v: W shaped, lots of negative HDR. if we move inward, finding nice curves, but not obviously tiered.)

loc1_rV2v(18): took inside half of voxels in loc range. no tiering.

loc1_rV2v_NEG(6): negative HDRs. outward from the localizer range.

loc1_rLO1(5): ugly.

loc1_rV3AB(1): nothing…

loc4_rV1(10): WRONG intersects rV2d and rV3d. based on localizer was not clean at all. lots of negative responses. so hand drew a circular patch around one particularly characteristic voxel → plausible HDR responses. not bad.

loc4_rV1_NEG(34): “stripes” with the loc1_rV1 roi. negative HDR followed by positive HDR, no tiering.

loc4_rV3d_doesntwork(10): overlaps with V1 voxels… not sure, but very good responses in these voxels.

drew an roi of nice responses in rV1,V2d,V3d (33) then intersected V1, V2d, V3d.

loc4_rV3d_intersect_niceResponses(6): nice enough HDR

loc4_rV2d_intersect_niceResponses(11): nice enough HDR

loc4_rV1_intersect_niceResponses(5): not so good…

loc4_rV1_handDrawn(3): very noisy. fit1 1/2 doesn't work.

loc4_rV2d(3): works! hdrlen17

loc4_rV3d(3): works! hdrlen17

loc4_rV1(9): works. nice and round.

loc1_rV1(6): works. split, but true to localizer. flat, then drops off to inverted gamma…

loc1_rV3AB(10): ziggidy HDR, but in terms of localizer, correct. maybe intersects with V7, but patch seem probabile based on localizer.

loc4_rV3AB(6): just outside of V3d, but strong HDR and doesn't look quite like V3d responses.

loc1_hV4(7): good responses, kind of sharp response, but tiered.

loc4_hV4(23): very strong, nice, fatter curve.

left side

loc3_lhV4(14): beautiful HDR!! not tiered.

loc2_lhV4(7): beautiful HDR!! 50% is highest… sort of tiered.

loc2_lV3AB(3): not very good… lopsided W, no real peak or tiering.

loc3_lV3AB(10): good sharp positive response, tiered.

loc3_lV3AB_NEG(16): nice sharp W, left dip bigger.

loc3_lV2d(11): double gamma, tiered.

loc3_lV2d_NEG(24): left dips strongly, clean.

loc3_lV3d(8): ok. double gamma.

loc3_lV3d_NEG(17): typical.

loc3_lV1(5): flat looking HDR response with huge post peak dip, so took the highest 5 voxles (peaks rose to 0.2 rather than flat 0).



loc2_lV3v(14):super nice, tiered, strong.

loc2_lV2v(10): hand drawn, but good. a bit of splitting, but tolerable.

loc2_lV2v_NEG(12): very negative, but not as overpowering as other regions.

loc2_lV1(11): hand drawn, but doesnt intersect with loc3_lv! and round. thresholded.

loc2_lV1_NEG(43): huge coverage… very W shaped, pretty prominent initial dip , then a second dip.

loc2_lV7(9): really nice HDR, tiered closely.


[loc1_rV2v loc4_rV2d] = none of the fits work. very W shaped. hdrlen needs to be about 20.

[loc1_rV2v loc4_rV2d_intersect_niceResponses] = better than non intersect, but not very clean.

[loc1_rV3v loc4_rV3d_intersect_niceRepsonses] = ok, but not very good.

[loc1_rV2v loc4_rV2d]: works! cueOne cued is lower than uncued, though. hdrlen17, fit1

[loc1_rV3v loc4_rV3d]: works! hdrlen17, fit1

[loc1_rV1 loc4_rV1]: doesnt work unless you have loc2/3. the initial drop makes single gamma fit fail.


V1: hdrlen [13-16 xx 13-16 13-14], ampType[1 2 1 1] concat[13-15],fit1. hdrlen15,fit1. skewed left and underestimates, but fails otherwise.

V2: hdrlen [15 15 xx 15], amp[1]. hdrlen15,amp1.

V3: hdrlen15,amp1


V3: {15,1} 20110208

V2: {15,1} 20110208

V1: {15,1} 20110208

V3A: {15,1} 20110209 similar to V123

hV4: {15,1} 20110209 not similar to V123


V3: {15,1} 20110208

V2: {15,1} 20110208

V1: {15,1} 20110208

V3A: {15,1} 20110209

hV4: {15,1} 20110209