ASL Eye tracker

This page provides information about how to download and use Matlab code that reads ASL Eye tracker files. The code is provided as is. If you find it useful, please use it, but I cannot provide any support for issues that arise if you use this code.

I use Mac OS 10.5.4 and Matlab 7.4 or higher. Here are instructions for getting started on Mac. The following is a tar file that contains all the matlab code:


After downloading you will need to extract the files from the tar file. You can do this by double-clicking on it in the Finder, or typing (from a command prompt):

tar xfv readeyd.tar

The extraction should have created two directories: “MatlabUtilities” and “readeyd”. In matlab, you will have to add both of these directories to your path:


You can then load an eyd file by doing:


For example, it should look like this:

>> readeyd('jg080911.eyd')
Reading segments took 1 secs 346 ms

ans =

              ver: 6
         filename: 'jg080911.eyd'
              hdr: [1x1 struct]
             name: {1x22 cell}
        nSegments: 13
             data: {1x13 cell}
  framesPerSecond: 60

It should work on both series 5 and series 6 files. It requires a “mex” file called readeydseg.mexmac, which needs to be compiled if you are not using the same system as I am:

cd /WhereverYouExtractedTheTarFile/readeyd
mex readeydseg.c