
Akshay and I did more testing last night and we've got it down to ~10 minutes per person. Both calibrations were <1 deg offset. Worked with the projector on as well, but we didn't have time to test with the scanner. If we count on our complete setup taking 30 minutes we should be able to start eye tracking in all experiments. Our key learnings were (1) the person in the scanner needs to ensure that the IR light is pointing straight at their left eye (close right eye to check), (2) on the eyelink computer if you turn off the threshold color it becomes infinitely easier to find the eye and adjust focus (3) don't adjust the aperture (4) do thresholding and calibration after the T1 and shim which move the bed. Improvements that could still be made: - Having a mount with smoother action + more degrees of freedom would make a big difference - The mount being attached to the scanner somehow instead of the bed (so that subjects don't risk hitting it when they move) - Having the back mount be easier to disconnect (so that moving the camera to the front takes less work - New projector that shoots straight in would buy us more time for the eye tracker setup.