Retinotopy tutorial

Place: BSI East Building 1F Seminar Room
Time: June 8th and 9th, 4:00-5:00 PM

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to identify visual areas in your subjects using a standard traveling-wave retinotopic mapping experiment. The tutorial will focus on the use of mrTools, a matlab based analysis tool.

Day 1: Review of retinotopy literature

  • Review of visual field maps in the human
  • Controversies (e.g. different proposals for human V4)
  • Overview of recent literature covering new proposed maps (i.e. IPS areas, lateral occipital areas, ventral occipital areas)
  • Techniques for measuring visual fields with fMRI (traveling wave stimuli, population receptive fields)

Reading material: Wandell et al., (2007) Neuron 56:366-383


Day 2: Retinotopy using mrTools

  • Coordinate transformations and alignment using nifti
  • Surfaces and flat maps
  • Overview of retinotopy analysis using mrTools (Heeger/Gardner Matlab based analysis tools)

Reading material: mrTools manual


Especially, the sections: Coordinate Transforms and Surfaces and Flat Maps and the two tutorials: Retinotopy and Surfaces and Flat Maps.